Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oh Hot Damn, This is My Jam.

I was told to write a post on my past weekend experiences, and have found great trouble in doing so.

It's not because it isn't worth writing about, the fact that my room screams emptiness, or simply due to my lackadaisical mindset; Even my current enjoyment of dark chocolate pretzel bark isn't keeping me from typing furiously (which would be fully understandable, if otherwise). What is however, is that I want to do it justice.

Just like any college graduate quickly thrown out onto the curb of you're-on-your-own-so-do-something-oh-and-we're-all-watching-you, I was able to cast aside the doubt, stress, and frugality that a simple commencement ceremony, once completed, brought upon for a smidgen of time.

I took a trip outdoors, and found a lot.

I found that you should break your boots in before hiking, I can comfortably lay face down in my sleeping bag, I'm less than mediocre at Speed, and low-and-behold a "strong current" is really, a strong current.

I also found that I finally surrendered.

There's something incredible about primitiveness and the absence of complication. With no connection to the outside world of fast-paced living and limited leg room, satisfaction came easily, trust came easily, and nothing else mattered than being with the people you were with. It's comforting, even in it's trivial state, to fall asleep under the stars and wake up with the sun, mother nature saying hello the way she knows best.

Escapes like these are so close and beneficial, yet the small amount of times they are actually ventured to seems one too few. I suppose one day I'll just find a plantation* up in the mountains and finally garner some quality air. Maybe then I'll even escape to the city - maybe not. But what I do know, is that comfort was solidified this weekend, and I can face the next couple of weeks with confidence simply by the people around me.

Pew, pew.


* Oh, hello ignorance, didn't see you there.

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